
We accumulate burdens as we live our life. This is because we keep adding everything that we have experienced in our life to our mind. Our mind is only a set of our lived life into our brain. We are, therefore, trapped in the set of pictures taken from our lived life and live only as a slave to those pictures in our mind. The longer we live, the heavier our mind becomes. Let's throw away those burdens from our mind and become free from the mind trap!


Let's cast off all the minds
gained through our life.
Although there is nothing to have in life,
people are bound to the mind of possession
and they live trying to possess.
Thus, they live life meaninglessly
and die by their own cunning.

Let's shed the mass of minds that are our attachments.
Let's live freely, having laid down those burdens.
Even if we come to have something,
let's live not bound to karma.
Only living this way can make your true self,
and only this way true self can live.

from poetry Mind

Hong Kong Meditation
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